Our Services


Varibute Service

Varibute solutions take care of data, analysis and decision support leaving only the core business to the client.

Varibute supports through smaller, finer focus areas so that under situations of time criticality or resource limitations the client is able to react or act immediately or even pro-act when such time-to-react/act/pro-act is short.

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Solutions suite from experience of having worked the same sectors, same problems and issues that clients are in.

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Several formats of Research, Analysis & Intelligence arising out of focus industries dynamics, frameworks, facts and structure.

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Acting as an extended partner for clients aiming at knowledge based stakeholder education, guidance and management.

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With industry design experience helping crystallize ideas into better structured thinking, product design and development.

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Stepping up the readability and impact quotient of industry content which impacts and communicates your viewpoint effectively.

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The first inquiry can be the catalyst for strengths based possibilities

Service Solutions to suit client needs, costs and time engagement.

What We Do

We offer Service Solutions to suit client needs, costs and time engagement


If continuous refresh or customization of any of the reports, insights, resources or research is required you can subscribe here


Frequent or continuous update of data and analysis along same parameters and dimensions, updates along any one dimension or any customization required.


These would be ideal for stakeholders of the industry, professionals, novices, policymakers, industry associations


Priced at optimal subscription fee, continuous data and analysis stream would be available at a pricing advantage of the refresh increments costing only.


Structured research, analysis, intelligence and knowledge resources are available on our platform with pre-defined transparent and crisp delivery outcomes.


These are Reports, Insights, Outlooks, Infographics & Intelligence. Clients can download free resources or purchase products on per unit basis if the product outcomes available as a synopsis satisfy the specific client requirement.


Varibute is continuously engaging in industry related Research, Analysis and Intelligence and the outcomes of these will be available as products or resources on Varibute. We encourage clients to scan for the research objectives amongst what is readily available as products. Clients can also submit their specific topics of interest for Topical Research.


Priced for the cost of the product for multiple users, these products offer analysis and research at competitive costs of the same quality as a customized project.


Full-time (FTE) onsite support for ongoing requirements to ensure close, integrated working like a proxy regular employee of the company allowing easy scale of critical operations and research.


Depending on the scope, the engagement outcome would be reports, insights, data and/or presentations.


Dedicated Resource can be for in-house research and insight development surveys. Handpicked and selected by Varibute, the dedicated resource can add quick executing capabilities.


Priced for the cost of resources for the contracted period, this engagement offers extension and expansion of human resources for work execution.


Part time industry and expertise resource available where and whenever required.


Depending on the scope, the engagement outcome would be reports, insights, data and/or presentations.


On-Demand Research can be for a resource needed for quality work for specific work goals which may be temporary or may require a short time engagement and which does not work out on a work outsourcing basis.


Priced at outcome and time used basis, this engagement offers optimization of research costs and management time and bandwidth.


Quick dip-stick research ranging from a few hours to a few days with single or multiple research goals.


Depending on the scope, the engagement outcome would be reports, insights, data and/or presentations.


Snapshot Engagements can be for projects to develop actionable or direction insights when time is of essence or time is short and exhaustive research, domain expertise and industry knowledge is required.

Snapshot Engagements can be secured through Varibute with the Varibute team or through our Advisory Platform.


Priced at outcome and time used basis, this engagement offers optimization of research costs and management time and bandwidth.


On-demand in–depth research support for stand-alone projects


Depending on the scope, the engagement outcome would be reports, insights, data and/or presentations.


Project Research can be for a detailed in-depth study or research, project or advisory for an area whose outcomes or problems are complex by nature or stretched over a long time and may also require an unbiased specialized analysis of data collected and observed.

Project Engagements can be secured through Varibute with the Varibute team or through our Advisory Platform.


Priced as per the scope of the project, this engagement leverages our expertise to deliver comprehensive and quality reports.

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