Product Management

Build and maintain competitive advantage through Product Management

Support for go-to market and market penetration to help align the launch feedback into product changes and market stabilization.


Product Management

With on-going business tasks, product Management often becomes second priority. Unique selling propositions require a design structure converting them into products that fulfill customer needs and wants, are with the times, and well positioned in the industry.

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Concept Generation & Validation

Translate customer needs and market gaps into product features or ideas.

Product Design & Development

Design that incorporates key user needs and fills market gaps.

Business & Marketing Strategy

Develop a plan that is actionable, feasible and tailored to product success.

Test Marketing & Launch

Expertise to augment where needed for launch and traction.

Product Portfolio Refreshment

Review existing product portfolio for market alignment and features refreshment.

Interested in new products or refreshing the product portfolio?

Set the strategy, roadmap and features of your product line

Process Steps

Your access to well defined products

  • Idea Generation & Screening
  • Concept Validation
  • Product Concept Development
  • Product Concept Testing
  • Marketing Plan
  • Business Planning for Product Launch
  • Testing with Target Customers
  • Product Refinement
  • Commercialization
  • Product Performance Evaluation
  • Product Boost Plan
  • Redrawing Products or New Product Development
Solve the user problem, not build a new product or product features

Creativity is making innovation out of blue sky ideas. Varibute can support you in the journey of ideas off the thinking board to their development into a product feature or new products. We act as a supplementing support in the idea identification and generation to its validation and thereafter building all measures of planning, strategy and execution plan to ensure measurable success.


Featured Products

Our suite of products Reports, Insights, Outlooks, Intelligence, Analysis provide supplementing capabilities for decision making. All our products are available in engagements that are customizable, to your needs.

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