Knowledge Management

Knowledge is like a garden, if it is not cultivated it cannot be harvested

Varibute under Knowledge Management acts as your extended partner for sowing the seeds of knowledge based stakeholder education, guidance and management.

What We Are Good At

Knowledge Management

Stakeholder Awareness

Spread awareness through knowledge communication, education and training.

Relationship Management

Nurture, align and deepen internal and external stakeholder relationships.

Agenda Prioritization

Align policy and environment impact through prioritization of your agenda.

Reputation Risk Management

Build frameworks to avoid and control reputation risk proactively.

Content and Campaign

Make content repositories and campaign design for effective impact.

Capacity & Capability

Create knowledge acquisition capacity, explicit knowledge base and deploy tools.

Do you want to react to or design policy?

Reactive or Proactive, both need presentation and representation.

Process Steps

Capturing and Using Knowledge

Tacit knowledge existing within and around the organization, when converted to explicit knowledge base, tools and repositories, will boost decision making efficiency, maximize potential and build competitive advantage.

Knowledge Audit

We will help you define knowledge management objectives and audit your existing knowledge assets to identify knowledge gaps.

Knowledge Acquisition

Supportive role in knowledge creation and can provide knowledge acquisition to augment your efforts.

Knowledge Application

Our role for knowledge management application to your objectives can be direct engaging or capacity building within your organization for select initiatives.

Knowledge Communication

We work as your extended knowledge partner to ensure stakeholders who matter have information and awareness from your perspective for effective stakeholder relationships.

Knowledge Tools

We will help you build a knowledge base, deploy knowledge tools better and help create effective knowledge management capacity.

Do you want to react to or design policy?

Reactive or Proactive, both need presentation and representation.


Featured Products

Our suite of products Reports, Insights, Outlooks, Intelligence, Analysis provide supplementing capabilities for decision making. All our products are available in engagements that are customizable, to your needs.

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